How Does The Chromatech Work?

How Does The Chromatech Work?

Our device includes:

An illuminating sample collection slide holder.

An enzyme-coated slide.

A smartphone with the installed software.

The mechanism of the device is based on the colorimetry method. Colorimetry is one of the methods of Spectro analytical methods. The variation of the color of a solution forms the basis of colorimetry. The colorimeter is an instrument that allows the measurement of light and its intensity to match the color as the human eye perceives it.

Our colorimetry setup is based on beer-lambert law, which relates the attenuation of light to the material properties through which the light is traveling.

Our product has two parts, hardware, and software.


 The hardware has small dimensions and is used as a portable. After sampling, The microscope slide is placed inside the holder, and white light radiation crosses through the microscope slide. The diluted blood sample and the differences in intensity will be observed. The blood sample collecting slide is designed as a petri dish to introduce a thickness to the diluted blood sample.



This product has a mobile application that includes an easy-to-display user interface and an artificial intelligence program that uses the light intensity data captured by the smartphone camera and calculates the amount of the desired biochemical markers after processing the digital images.